Sunday 6 September 2015

The Road From Ignorance

Dear Blog,

"Every character starts off with ignorance and then gains wisdom. We are all born at this station called ignorance but we don't have to stay there, it should be a crime to stay there." -John Marsden saying what many people would say was the quote of the festival. I even saw a drawing of this quote.

It reminds me of my life, of any life I guess, a characters life. In the "Tomorrow" series Ellie is ignorant, she believed she was safe but then grows into a whole new person when Australia is invaded. She learns how to handle herself in a war like situation and leaves ignorance behind. As for myself, no I haven't faced a war but I feel like in certain aspects at least that I have departed from the station of ignorance and have grown, which is why while listening to John Marsden talk I decided then and there that I wanted to write a memoir. Or a story based off many aspects of my life.

It would definitely include my former relationships. If there was anything that was what I known for between friends, my love life or as my title would say: Rasphal's list of dating disasters.  Just kidding, I wouldn't name it that but it would include some catastrophic love stories. My first real true grown up love story would be included obviously, the boy who tore me away from ignorance, innocence and showed me what a disastrous romance could be like, as he left me to return back to India.  The next love story would be of a guy who looked like him, he introduced me to what it was like to be used. Till him I believed in noble men and love, but he ripped me apart wanting to marry me only for permanent residency in this country torturing me emotionally when I backed out of the relationship and proving to me that not all people in this world were good, I was bound to run into some bad people. The memoir however would end up with my personal growth, a happy ending. It would show that after all the poison ivy I would finally choose to reside with rare flower, my husband, the man I recently married whose spirit was wild and heart kind, whose passion was for life and love true. I fell off the platform of ignorance and nearly got run over by a train, I ran on the tracks exhausted and he picked me up and put me on another platform, one where I learnt from my mistakes and was finally safe.  

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